The Club has a welfare co-ordinator who is here to help match up Norwegian Forest Cats in need with the right new home. Unwanted cats become available spasmodically and for many different reasons. Sometimes they have a behavioural problem which needs to be dealt with; sometimes their previous owners are simply unable or unwilling to look after them any more. Circumstances change, and often the people looking for a new home for their beloved cat are very sad to give them up but are acting for the welfare of the animal. On other occasions, cats have been abandoned. Sometimes we have several cats looking for a home and sometimes there are none for quite a long period.
We rely on genuine cat-lovers coming forward to offer homes for the cats, so if you are able to help give a Norwegian Forest Cat the life he or she deserves, please contact our Welfare Co-ordinator:
Fiona Hermon
Tel: 01908 642115 / 07581216294
If you would like to make a donation to the Welfare arm of the NFCC, to help unfortunate Norwegian forest cats fall on their paws. you now can using PayPal donate button below:

We try to ensure that each cat is homed in the best possible environment: if a cat is used to being indoors, we look for an indoor home; if the cat dislikes children, then we place them in a home with only adults, and so on. The Club ensures that all cats are tested for FELv (feline leukaemia) and FIV (feline AIDS) and that they are neutered and inoculated before going to their new home. We ask for a donation in order to help continue our rescue service.Many thanks go to all of you who have contributed over the years to Norwegian Forest Cat welfare.
Thank you to the cat lovers who offer a sympathetic home; to the Club members who offer emergency accommodation, do home checks or help with transportation; and to everyone who gives a donation. Even a small sum makes a real difference – without help and donations we cannot continue to help them.